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<제 52차 대한성형외과 추계학술대회>

페이지 정보

작성자 그레이스 작성일15-08-10 15:58 조회634회 댓글0건




Study for Histopathologic Findings of the Hepatic Artery in the Living Related Liver Transplantation Patients Epitheloid Hemangioma of Nasal Tip


Choi MS, Lee PK, Park JG, Rhie JW, Ahn ST, Jung ES


Living related liver transplantation(LRLT) is theoretically the best treatment option for end stage liver disease and nonresectable hepatocellular carcinomas. Anastomosed hepatic artery is at high risk in thrombosis after LRLT, which directly related to the patient's life. Usually, recipient hepatic artery is so friable and intimal separation and blood clot between intima and media were noted frequently. From December 2001 to June 2003, consecutive 30 hepatic arteries were harvested from 45 LRLTs patients with end stage liver disease. All hepatic artery were anastomosed with #9-0 nylon by plastic surgeon. All hepatic arteries were patent intraoperatively and postoperatively. In the histopathologic study of hepatic artery, some had intimal thickening, myxoid change and intimal hyperplasia in 14 out of 30 cases. Since pathologic changes may develop as a result of transarterial chemoembolization(TACE) and others causes, we postulated that the prevalence of hepatic arterial thrombosis, a catastrophic graft-threatening complication of LRLT, might be increased in this subset of LRLT patients who received TACE. But, in our study, patients who underwent hepatic arterial chemoembolization statistically do not show an increased risk of developing hepatic arterial thrombosis or other hepatic arterial complications after LRLT. And pathologic changes are statistically not correlate with the TACE.



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Total 64건 5 페이지
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Study for Histopathologic Findings of the Hepatic Artery in the Living Related Liver Transplantation Patients Epitheloid Hemangioma of Nasal Tip ​  Choi MS, Lee PK, Park JG, Rhie JW, Ahn ST, Jung ES ​ Living related liver transplantation(LRLT) is theoretic…
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